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Odolná mysl: Lekce z doby ztrát

Resilient Mind: Lessons from a Time of Loss   Foreword This text was written during the strict lockdowns of the pandemic in January 2021, shortly after I experienced the loss of my father, the end of a long-term relationship, and the shattering of many illusions about society, myself, my desires, and needs. This text reflects […]

Transformace bolesti prostřednictvím všímavosti

Cvičení MBSR

Transforming Pain Through Mindfulness Life inevitably presents us with challenges, many of which manifest as physical, mental, or emotional pain. Our instinctive response is often to avoid or suppress this discomfort. However, Jon Kabat-Zinn, the creator of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, teaches us a different approach. He suggests that by turning towards our […]

Nalezení míru v tichu: Osobní zkušenost z meditačního ústraní

Zen Garden meditation retreat

I returned a few days ago from a 9-day Zen meditation retreat in silence. Silent meditation retreats have become an important part of my life, offering a true opportunity to step out of the life story and immerse myself in being with the breath at least once a year. After a couple of days, the […]

Discovering Mindfulness Through a Sunset: Embrace Change

Sunset view with vibrant colors and geometric shapes, symbolizing mindfulness and change.

  Discovering Mindfulness Through a Sunset: Embrace Change This sunset experience was full of unique moments, views, forms, colors, energy, geometry, shapes, and beauty. These forms, perspectives, and different angles of view evoked in me the following thoughts I want to share. Have you ever realized that the way you see things around you is […]

Mindfulness Through Drying a Teacup: The Harmony of Awareness and Concentration

Person practicing mindfulness by drying a teacup with focused awareness and concentration

Mindfulness Through Drying a Teacup: The Harmony of Awareness and Concentration   Mindfulness can be described as drying a teacup. The hand that holds the cup symbolizes awareness (we are aware of holding an object), and the hand drying symbolizes concentration (we focus on the process of drying, paying attention to details and small drops). […]

Mindfulness misunderstood: Podpora integrity vědecky založených postupů

Mindfulness Misunderstood: Upholding the Integrity of Science-Based Practices     Introduction   In recent decades and years, mindfulness has transcended its traditional boundaries to become a mainstream element in medical interventions, psychotherapies, and everyday life practices. Originating from ancient meditative traditions, mindfulness has been meticulously adapted into scientifically validated programs such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction […]

Objevte výhody a široké aplikace MBSR: Odhalení komplexních důkazů

Snížení stresu založeného na všímavosti (MBSR), výhody všímavosti, aplikace MBSR, zvládání stresu a úzkosti, všímavost na pracovišti, preventivní duševní zdraví, techniky všímavosti, MBSR pro pohodu, výzkum všímavosti, školicí programy MBSR.

Explore the transformative effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Discover how MBSR benefits mental and physical health, its applications across various settings, and the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Learn about practical mindfulness techniques that can enhance well-being and reduce stress. Perfect for individuals looking to improve their quality of life through proven, accessible methods.

Neurovědecký průlom: Transformační dopad 8týdenních kurzů MBSR na strukturu mozku

Mindfulness praktikuje změnu nervových drah

Neuroscientific Breakthrough: The Transformative Impact of 8-Week MBSR Courses on Brain Structure In their groundbreaking 2012 study, Richard J. Davidson and Bruce S. McEwen unveil a new frontier in neuroscience and mental health. They reveal how Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) not only transforms our emotional landscape but also physically reshapes the brain. This remarkable research […]